Archivio post su: Khakassia

Khoomei – Patrimoni orali e immateriali dell’umanità – UNESCO

Khoomei – Patrimoni orali e immateriali dell’umanità – UNESCO

Atti ufficiali dell'UNESCO per la procedura di inserimento del Khoomei/Khöömei nella lista dei Patrimoni orali e immateriali dell’umanità. Interessanti i file "Nomination form" e "Consent of ...

The Khoomei on the “UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”. UNESCO – Section of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Abu Dhabi (2009) & Nairobi (2010)

Nomination File 00210 – Mongolian art of singing: Khoomei
Nomination File 00396 – The Mongolian traditional art of Khöömei
Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 4.COM 13.19
Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 5.COM 6.31

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